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Evaporative Cooler Calculator

Welcome to Puravent’s Mobile Evaporative Cooler Calculator, part of our extensive range of Number Crunchers designed to provide you with everything you need to make an informed decision on your next evaporative cooler purchase.

This calculator is perfect for anyone who is looking to calculate the airflow capacity of a mobile evaporative cooler required for cooling a room. By taking your room size, average air temperature and typical humidity we are able to tell you what airflow you should be looking for from an evaporative cooler. The reading will be given to you in m3/hr.

You can then use these results to browse our full range of mobile evaporative coolers. Simply click the link and use the filter systems to access what you need, or contact us directly.

Why are these results important?

You need to understand the required airflow of your evaporative cooler so that it can serve the environment you are putting it into effectively.